A brief history...

Experienced Specialists

Ozone Water Technologies was born from many years of laundry operations experience by its founder, Jim Gross, who managed his family laundry for 17 years, operated all Marriott laundries for 3 years, and operated his own laundry consulting business for many years.
As a consultant, he reviewed ozone washing possibilities and decided to enter the market to produce the most efficient ozone system at the lowest possible cost.
LaundrOzone™ was born and has become a worldwide leader in hospitality laundries and disinfection for healthcare laundries.
Quality Staff

Ozone Water Technologies is headquartered in Tryon, NC surrounded by a clean environment in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
OWT’s staff is made up of laundry professionals, energy specialists, and project managers who all understand our clients need for quality products and quantifiable results. We always welcome our client’s input to new ideas and applications.

Reduction of Water & Energy

LaundrOzone™ is accepted as a part of the Worldwide Green Initiative due to its impact on the reduction of energy and water.
Energy reduction is achieved because ozone is most effective in cold water. The degree of rise (60º to 140ºF) consumes a high amount of BTUs which is not necessary in the light soil application of washing sheets and towels. Since chemicals are used efficiently, less rinsing means using less water.
Additional Green items are noted such as a cleaner effluent, the killing of 99% of all bacteria, the reduction or elimination of noxious odors, and more.